Parts production process
Release time: 2022-03-31

1.The Production Process

The whole process of converting raw materials into finished products is called the production process. The production process includes: transportation and storage of raw materials, preparation work, blank manufacturing, machining, heat treatment, assembly, testing, debugging, painting and packaging, etc.

The production process can be divided into: the production process of the whole machine, the production process of a part or component; A factory production process, a workshop production process, etc.

2.The Technological  Process

In the production process, directly change the shape, size, relative position and nature of the production object, so that it becomes a finished product or semi-finished product process, known as the process. The process is an essential part of the production process. Machining workshop production process of the main part (that is, the use of mechanical processing method, so that the blank become qualified parts of the whole process), known as machining process; The main part of the production process in the assembly shop (the process of assembling parts into parts or whole machine) is called the assembly process.